Raworths LLP
Spotlight on IHT Pension Changes Spotlight on IHT Pension Changes

Legal Articles

Feb 25

Spotlight on IHT Pension Changes

The 2024 Autumn Budget brought pensions firmly into the spotlight.  The biggest change, the removal of the inheritance tax (IHT) exemption for pensions (mainly affecting defined contribution schemes) starting from...


Feb 25

Are Diamonds Really ‘Forever’?

What is the value of an engagement ring? A physical emblem of love?  A symbol of esteem that speaks of eternal love as well as being evidence of success both...


Jan 25

When I grow up I want to be an influencer!

At the risk of sounding like a fossil, when I grew up there was no such thing as a social media influencer. However now some children are growing up seeing...


Jan 25

Domestic Abuse ‘Safe Leave’ Bill proposals

Labour MP Alex McIntyre will seek to introduce the Domestic Abuse (Safe Leave) Bill to the House of Commons tomorrow (7 January 2025) to enable MPs to consider whether a...


Jan 25

The marriage friendly pre-nup

Broaching the topic of a pre-nuptial agreement can be a tricky task. At a time when you are committing to each other for a lifetime, raising the question, “But if...


Dec 24

AI use at work – do businesses need an employment policy?

Rapid changes are underway in the world of work due to the increased use of increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) products that are available to employees and contractors. As with...


Dec 24

Coercive Control within a family – who is pulling the strings and the Emmerdale effect?

It is hard to believe that it is almost 10 years since section 76 of the Serious Crime Act 2015 put the concept of coercive control onto the statute books....


Nov 24

Employment Rights Bill – what employers need to know

On 10 October 2024, the government introduced the Employment Rights Bill into Parliament.  The Bill sets out the biggest change to employment rights in decades.  Whilst the majority of the...


Sep 24

Collaborative law and the divorce process

Alright, Stop, collaborate and listen! In 1990, when Vanilla Ice raped this famous line I am sure that divorce or separation were not in his thought process however when thinking...


Sep 24

Pre-nups – worth the paper they are written on?

A few years ago the question of needing a prenuptial agreement was the preserve of only the rich and famous - a statement of good intent rather than a binding...


Aug 24

Disclosure on divorce – hide and seek?

I have a confession to make.....I don't watch TV soaps.  I refused to watch "The Split", quite apart from the fact that it was somewhat of a busman's holiday (for...


Aug 24

Clean break on divorce – a stitch in time?

It is a common misconception that once parties are divorced or their civil partnership is dissolved this automatically ends all respective financial claims against one another. But is this true?...


Jul 24

Departing employees and non-compete clauses

An employee builds up valuable knowledge and contacts during the time that they work for you, but your commercial interests may be vulnerable if they leave and go on to...


Jul 24

Raworths wins national legal award

Harrogate based Raworths has won the Out of London Practice of the Year category at this year’s Chambers High Net Worth (HNW) Awards 2024. Raworths’ Trusts, Wills and Estates team...


Jun 24

Do I have to share my bonus with my spouse if we get divorced?

It is common practice for individuals to be paid bonuses in addition to their basic salary. Often these bonuses can form a significant proportion of an individual’s income.  In the...


Jun 24

The benefits of a policy for keeping in touch during family leave

Returning to work from family leave can be a significant adjustment for some employees. As well as the practical considerations of childcare and family logistics, there may have been significant...


May 24

Raworths shortlisted at Chambers HNW Awards 2024

Harrogate-based Raworths has been shortlisted at the Chambers High Net Worth (HNW) Awards 2024 in the Out of London Practice of the Year category.  Raworths’ Trusts, Wills and Estates team...


May 24

What are your legal options if you are owed money?

There are several reasons why someone might owe you money, it could be an unpaid loan, a gift that you want back or, in a commercial context, an unpaid invoice...


Apr 24

Keeping (most) family law cases out of court

“…. Like running up the down escalator” - that is how the President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, described the workload of the Family Court in 2019.  Since...


Mar 24

The probate registry – is no news really good news?

As the old adage goes, “no news is good news”; however can this really be said for waiting for news from the new digitised and centralised Probate Registry? Five years...


Mar 24

Pre-nuptial agreements: helping to protect wealth on divorce

Raworths' Head of Family Carmelita Ardren discusses pre-nuptial agreements as an important tool to protect wealth on divorce. Significant family wealth rarely “just happens”. It comes from years of hard...


Mar 24

DIY Divorce: some common risks and misconceptions

Claire Hunter, Associate in the family law team at Raworths in Harrogate, highlights some common risks and misconceptions about DIY divorce. Consulting a lawyer is viewed as acceptable when buying...


Mar 24

Divorce: choosing the right approach for you

Raworths’ Head of Family Carmelita Ardren highlights some options available when considering divorce. Is there such a thing as a ‘good divorce’? We think there can be. A ‘good divorce’...


Mar 24

Employment law update – Spring 2024

This year is a busy one for employment legislation, after a few quiet years.  The Government has backed a number of private members’ bills which are now coming into force....


Mar 24

Mind the gap – sharing pension assets on divorce

Pension assets will often be one of the most substantial assets on divorce or partnership breakdown and can often be as valuable as the equity in the family home (and...


Jan 24

Travelling abroad with children – a guide for separated parents

Taking your child on a holiday abroad is not always as simple as booking, paying for the holiday and enjoying the countdown. If you are separated from the child’s other...


Jan 24

Getting a fair share on divorce

On 1 November 2023, the Nuffield Foundation released its final report on 'Fair Shares? Sorting out money and property on divorce'. This major research project, involving a survey of 2,415...


Jan 24

How to protect yourself online during your divorce

January has long been reported as seeing an increase in new divorce enquiries following the festive period and the welcoming of a new year. In recent years, technology has further...


Dec 23

Separated parents – top tips to help families during the festive period

As Christmas approaches, we all start to think about our plans for the festive period. Often these plans centre around family. This can be a stressful time with 101 things...


Nov 23

Why should you consider having a cohabitation agreement?

Family law specialist Claire Hunter at Raworths based in Harrogate discusses cohabitation agreements and why you should consider one if you live with your partner. The number of cohabiting couples...


Oct 23

The Inheritance (warning, may contain spoilers)

When you think of depictions of law on TV you might probably think of a gritty court room drama, however Channel 5 recently brought us "The Inheritance" dealing with death...


Aug 23

Settlement agreements – considerations for employers

Using a settlement agreement to bring an employment relationship to an end, and effectively wipe the slate clean, can be very useful. But, to start the conversation, employers need to...


Jun 23

Are Humanist Marriages Legally Valid?

The law in England and Wales permits both civil marriage and religious marriage. However, there is no specific provision for marriages to be conducted according to any other system of...


Jun 23

Surrogacy – time for a change

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of children being born to a Surrogate. Sadly, surrogacy laws have failed to keep pace. As a result, the...


Jun 23

Divorce Leave Scheme proposals – what employers need to know

Many people have experienced a relationship breakdown, be it separation or a divorce, often with significant personal consequences.  It is understandable therefore that this time can be upsetting, stressful, emotionally...


Jun 23

Raworths’ Head of Family recognised for her specialism in family law

Carmelita Ardren, Head of Family at Raworths, has been recognised once again by a leading national organisation, Resolution, for her specialism in family law in the resolution of complex financial...


Jan 23

What employers need to know about hidden disabilities

Have you ever spotted someone wearing a lanyard with a sunflower as a means of indicating that they have a non-visible disability (also known as a hidden or invisible disability)?...


Nov 22

How easy is it to challenge a will based upon lack of mental capacity?

Following the death of a loved one, additional upset can be caused by a challenge to the validity of the will by a disappointed beneficiary on the basis that the...


Apr 22

No Fault Divorce – update from 6 April 2022

Having recently had the opportunity to watch the BBC drama “The Split” I found that it highlighted the concerns that many family lawyers have had for a number of years,...


Mar 22

“I’ve been left a gift in a Will – but I don’t want it”

It might not be often you hear those words but that’s exactly what Rhona said on Emmerdale on Monday (28 February 2022). Upon hearing that her abusive deceased ex-husband Pierce...


Dec 21

Can I find out why I have been disinherited?

When a good friend, relative or loved one passes away, it is not uncommon for many to contemplate what decisions the Deceased may have made as to the ultimate destination...


Jun 21

Is it worth paying for a private Financial Dispute Resolution?

For most people, (particularly those without children), one of the most important stages of a separation is the financial settlement. When managed badly it can fuel acrimony and dispute, cause...


Jan 21

How to manage your personal belongings in your will

Should have put a name on it!   How to manage your personal belongings in your will When preparing your Will you might not have considered who your personal belongings (also known...


Jun 20

Providing for your pets The Aristocats way!

I’m spending lockdown with a toddler which means constantly being on the go and coming up with ways to entertain him. We’re trying to make lots of nice memories as...


Apr 20

Changes to the Intestacy Provisions – the consequences of not making a Will

The ‘Intestacy Provisions’ are a set of rules which set out how your estate will be divided amongst your relatives if you die without making a Will. These rules essentially...


Jan 20

Future Proofing your Mental Capacity

Mental capacity is in the news a lot, whether it’s a discussion about our ageing population or an increase in people living with dementia. But is there anything you can...


Nov 19

The law of unintended consequences – the dangers of online and homemade wills

Almost every week we see people who have put off making their wills for years, often with the belief that their family can sort everything out upon their death. Unfortunately,...


Nov 19

Your Relationship Status and Your Will

Have you ever considered how your relationship status affects your will? Marriage, separation, divorce and reconciliation all have an impact on your final wishes and can have unexpected consequences that...