Raworths LLP
Common mistakes with employment contracts Common mistakes with employment contracts


Oct 24

Common mistakes with employment contracts

Employers are legally required to give employees certain key information at the start of the job in what is called a written statement of particulars. This is often set out...


Oct 24

ACAS, mental health and reasonable adjustments: what employers need to know

Employers are increasingly aware of the importance of supporting employees’ mental health for many reasons, including improved retention, attendance and productivity. Underpinning this is a legal duty to make reasonable...


Aug 24

Understanding different types of dismissal: a guide for employers

It is always disappointing when an employee does not perform as anticipated or the relationship has turned sour and you wish to part ways. It is important to take legal...


Jul 24

Departing employees and non-compete clauses

An employee builds up valuable knowledge and contacts during the time that they work for you, but your commercial interests may be vulnerable if they leave and go on to...


Jun 24

The benefits of a policy for keeping in touch during family leave

Returning to work from family leave can be a significant adjustment for some employees. As well as the practical considerations of childcare and family logistics, there may have been significant...


Mar 24

Employment law update – Spring 2024

This year is a busy one for employment legislation, after a few quiet years.  The Government has backed a number of private members’ bills which are now coming into force....


Mar 24

Update for employers – new rules for flexible working requests

The right to request flexible working has been around for over 20 years, and in that time eligibility to the right has been extended from parents and carers of young...


Jan 24

An employer’s guide to taking grievances seriously

Dealing with employee grievances can sometimes seem like a thankless drain on a business’s management and resources. But a prompt investigation could uncover inappropriate behaviour or poor management that needs...


Aug 23

Settlement agreements – considerations for employers

Using a settlement agreement to bring an employment relationship to an end, and effectively wipe the slate clean, can be very useful. But, to start the conversation, employers need to...


Jan 23

I hate my business partner – what can I legally do?

Business partnerships are like any other relationship.  There needs to be trust, commitment, an understanding as to respective roles and a shared vision. Unfortunately, business relationships can fall apart just...


Jan 23

What employers need to know about hidden disabilities

Have you ever spotted someone wearing a lanyard with a sunflower as a means of indicating that they have a non-visible disability (also known as a hidden or invisible disability)?...